Thursday 11 February 2016


Harder to take the train today than usual. Anna is much chirpier after her 48 hour bug, but I am a little worn down. As I get comfy on the train and settle in, I realise a woman next to me is going to be munching loudly on gum for the next 3 and half hours and I dont think my nerves can take it. I read recently this is syndrome, and I felt a little concerned. Not the chewing, but the being annoyed by the chewing. Surely everyone must find the squelching annoying? A bit like porn without the good bits.

I have become a veteran traveller and am much enamoured of my thermos flask which has become a good travel companion (word of flask wisdom : never put milky tea in your thermos or it tastes rancid for ages afterwords).

I have a little hidey hole in Paris. Called the Picasso Studio Loft. It belongs to artists I work with, and I rent it out at a friendly price. The pictures do it alot of justice! Its actually very dark, but I love the retro furnishings and the ageing paintings.

It sounds glamorous but I actually havent event explored the neighbourhood, which is gorgeous, in the heart of the Marais. I plonk down my suitcase, go the office, come back, watch bad TV and sleep. If all goes well. There’s even a piano if I was feeling adventurous. When I first emigrated to Limoges, I thought that my Paris hops would be moments of freedom, of being a single lady again, I had visions of seeing art house movies, catching up on shows, having dinner with friends. But the reality of a 48 hour journey, of which 8 hours is travelling doesn’t leave much time for glamorous leisure and finding my old self. And the truth of it is I am quite happy with my new self, and my homeliness.

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